Triangle Tube Blog

Here is where you will find insider tips, product information and more.

5 Ways to Prepare For the Busy Season

If you have been working in this industry for any amount of time, you probably look back and realize that every fall season is similar. Make sure that you have the key tools, meters, test equipment and service parts necessary to properly take care of your customers; complete the job and get paid. Not sure where to start? As you start taking on jobs, begin compiling a list.

Why Continuing Training For Plumbing is Important

Today the market for reduced energy usage, higher efficiency, lower CO2 emissions and smaller footprints has turned the new equipment market place into an overhaul of technology. A change not seen in the U.S. since the early 80’s with the development of the sealed natural gas combustion chamber. In an effort to combat the rising costs of living, homeowners are exploring new ways to cut costs and increase savings.

5 Heating Myths You Thought Were True

We’ve all been there haven’t we? It’s hot outside, but the inside of your home is nice and cool. Then someone comes along and leaves the door open, thus allowing all the cool air to escape. As it turns out, that isn’t actually true. Heat travels from a warm space into a cooler area, never the other way around and the greater the temperature difference the faster the heat transfers.

3 Tools Every Contractor Should Have

One of the worst feelings in the world for a certified heating professional is to be on a jobsite and to realize he/she doesn’t have the tools necessary to complete the task. While experience in the field is the best education when it comes to identifying the essentials, a little guidance is always helpful. Here are our picks for the top 3 tools every Hydronic heating professional should have.

6 Ways to Cut Heating Costs

It’s important to keep in mind that when an exhaust fan is running, it’s pulling heated air from the space. While that doesn’t seem to be a big deal, it means that you are left with cooler air that needs to be heated. With that in mind, use the exhaust fan as little as possible to increase your heat savings.

How Modulation Works

There have been significant gains in the energy efficiency of hydronic heating systems in the last decade. Many of these gains have been made possible by the use of microprocessors to better control the boiler's function. Modulation is one of the functions that modern boiler controls have made possible that is driving energy efficiency gains.

My First Time at AHR

Upon entering my first AHR Expo, I was blown away by the grand scale of it all. The annual HVAC/R Expo is the largest in the industry. This year it was held in the happiest place on earth. Sunny Orlando, Florida in the Orange County Convention Center. With over 500 thousand sq. ft. devoted to this event there was not a blank space on the convention floor.


Last night I was exchanging texts with a friend in WA who is a plumber. The entire family is actually. Not to linger too long, but they are just great people. He sent me something that resonated with me and I felt the need to share. When he sent it to me it was meant to be funny. At first, I sent back to laughing EMOJI then it hit me.

Why it’s important to get the BEST out of your install

If you’re like most contractors, you’re looking to get the BEST for your clients. Let’s describe the BEST scenario. You’ve just installed the picture-perfect clean boiler. You can’t wait to get this boiler up and running so you can proudly post your install on your website and social media. You’re filled with pride and excitement to show this off to all your industry friends because this project was very challenging due to the extremely limited space of the mechanical room.

Why attending Triangle Tube Training Academy is important

I am sure most have heard the phrase “knowledge is power”. So, how do we gain this power? First, we must look at where the knowledge comes from and how we obtain it. We’ve all spent time in the classroom learning various subjects to varying degrees of success. Our learning is dependent on a variety of factors: our interest in the material, the instructor presenting the material, the perceived value of the material presented, along with a host of classroom environmental aspects.