Why attending Triangle Tube Training Academy is important

Kevin Key, Trainer & Tech Support, Mid-West Region

I am sure most have heard the phrase “knowledge is power”.  So, how do we gain this power? First, we must look at where the knowledge comes from and how we obtain it. We’ve all spent time in the classroom learning various subjects to varying degrees of success. Our learning is dependent on a variety of factors:  our interest in the material, the instructor presenting the material, the perceived value of the material presented, along with a host of classroom environmental aspects.

What about how we learn? There are a couple of main learning styles:  

  • Audibly – “hear”

  • Visually - “see”

  • Tactically - “touch”

We use all three but typically one is stronger and tends to help solidify the material in our memory. For example, I have learned when presenting material even the best learners can only absorb as much as their “seat” can handle! Once the learner becomes uncomfortable in any area, the distraction grows and the learning ends. The drawback to only classroom learning in our industry is the amount of “time” we are away from being out in the field.

How about OJT? On the job training (tactile), for most of us, is how we gain a lot of our knowledge.  The drawback to OJT is it is typically slower and almost always more costly. The Hydronics industry is full of students who know what they know from being sent out to a job site with someone more seasoned and learning “how they do it” (which was passed to them by someone they went to job sites with early in their career).

The question I always get during presentations is, “why do it that way?” Which is usually followed up by “we’ve never done it that way before”. The Hydronics systems we install can be very forgiving which allows for many “ways” to accomplish the same desired operation; however, there are some techniques to ensure we get the optimal equipment performance and improve the life cycle for the equipment. Generally, the most cost-effective system usually wins. But what about the equipment life? What about system efficiency and potential added operational cost? What about servicing the system? What about the installer’s reputation? Is there a different “way” and where do we become exposed to learn about it?

The Triangle Tube Training Academy is a state-of-the-art training center located in West Deptford, New Jersey. Throughout the year, seminars are offered on a variety of topics relating to the Hydronics industry. The training is split between the classroom and the training lab; the attendee has the opportunity to Audibly and Visually learn in the classroom, then move into the lab and Tactically apply what they have learned. We have found this combination of learning optimizes the knowledge level for the attendee.

The changes brought on by COVID-19 have led us to find alternative ways to hold training sessions.  We have successfully launched a series of virtual trainings. The free Livestream training sessions are targeted topics designed to be interactive and are kept to an acceptable time limit. Sign up HERE to receive our monthly enewsletter.  We will send you the days and times for scheduled online training sessions.

The Academy presents training on equipment, system design, and discusses several other topics. The goal is not to “show” how to work on these systems but to “teach” the “how & why” so the attendee gains a complete understanding. It maximizes the use of time for the attendee and reduces the cost of OJT. (We also manage to have a lot of fun for the time we are together!)

Going back to the original statement “knowledge is power,” I would like to provide a revised version for all those students looking to positively impact their reputation in the industry and it is, "Knowledge is KEY.”

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