5 Heating Myths You Thought Were True

Triangle Tube Staff

Letting Hot Air In

We’ve all been there haven’t we? It’s hot outside, but the inside of your home is nice and cool. Then someone comes along and leaves the door open, thus allowing all the cool air to escape. As it turns out, that isn’t actually true. Heat travels from a warm space into a cooler area, never the other way around and the greater the temperature difference the faster the heat transfers. So during the winter months if you left your door open, you’re not letting the cold in, you are in fact letting the heat out. Meanwhile in the summer, when you have the door open you are not letting the cool air out, you’re letting the heat in.

The Larger the System, the Faster My Space Will Heat With Greater Efficiency

The old saying comes to mind, “bigger is always better”- not so when it comes to heating. Your system needs be sized correctly in order for it to heat correctly; it’s as simple as that. If your system is oversized, the unit will short cycle or it will turn on and off rapidly. This actually causes the unit to use more energy and fuel than normal due to the motor’s start up amps and its firing rate, adding to premature parts failure.

Thermostat Location has no Effect on the System

In real estate the mantra is “location, location, location” – the same applies to the placement of your Thermostat. Let’s suppose that the thermostat was placed in the direct line of sunlight, say across from a window with the drapes pulled back. With the sun shining directly on it, the process of solar heat transfer takes effect, causing your thermostat to think it’s warmer in the room then it actually is.

Another bad place for your thermostat is the kitchen. Why you ask? Well, as your cooking the room becomes warmer, this tricks the thermostat into thinking that it’s satisfying the demand for heat.

My Home Will Heat up Faster if the Thermostat is Turned All the Way Up

Not so, once the unit is running turning up the thermostat will not make it run any harder. It’s important to remember that your thermostat is the equivalent of a light switch; it turns the unit on and off. Turning the temperature all the way up will only make you want to turn it down later.

Turning the Heat Down When You’re Not Home Saves Money

This one is tricky because it seems to be so sensible, why not lower the temperature when you’re gone? I’d have to be saving some money right? Sadly this idea is simply not true, especially with condensing boilers. The temperature of the boiler is set according to the temperature outdoors. This means that you may actually waste more fuel and energy trying to reheat your space, than you would have if you left the temperature alone. So in reality this practice could increase your energy costs not reduce them.

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